Unite &
NCLA’s Mission
NCLA’s mission is to unite and empower the members of the Northern Colorado Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development corporations with the means to generate a strong voice for positive impact on state and federal policy, regulations, and legislation that affect business’ ability to succeed and to help and create a more positive business climate for the future of northern Colorado business.
- To lead and influence regional, state, and federal policy on issues affecting Northern Colorado, the Chamber leadership of the Fort Collins, Loveland and Greeley Area Chambers of Commerce collaborated to create one unified voice on issues to support their businesses. This coalition now includes regional Economic developers and smaller Chambers and industry groups.
- Northern Colorado Legislative Alliance (NCLA) has established itself as the voice for business in Northern Colorado and is sought after on issues that affect all of Colorado. What sets NCLA apart and effective is the delegation of all policy making authority to our business leaders which allows us to act swiftly and concisely on legislative action and issues that are priority to our members. This has delivered significant return to investors and stakeholders in the region through collaboration and a stronger unified voice.
- NLCA boasts over 2,500 members from the Northern Colorado Region and its board is comprised over six business leaders from the Loveland, Greeley, and Fort Collins Chamber’s along with leaders from Economic Development creating a bird’s eye view of the critical needs of business in a two-county region for Northern Colorado.
- Annually, NCLA collaborates to create guiding principles (NCLA priorities Agenda) that respond to legislative proposals introduced in the Colorado General assembly. the NCLA’s priority agenda evolves to adapt to the changing needs of business and to reflect the top concerns and opportunities for the dynamic changing business and political climate of the region.
- The Northern Colorado Legislative Alliance is dedicated to maintaining and increasing the quality of life for the region’s businesses and residents by providing an attractive economic environment for them to thrive and grow. Serves as a key partner to make our vision a reality in the region.

Under the dome
With over 700-plus investors driving the organization, you can count on the Chamber to lead and to serve as an important unified voice on issues for the betterment of the community. One of the most important ways we do this is through advocacy engaging on issues important businesses in our region and collaborating with other Chamber and Economic Development partners.