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Investment levels
Looking to further your investment?
Investors that we “carry everywhere we go.”
as an investor, you receive:
- Advocacy at the local, state and federal level
- Investment in ongoing Chamber initiatives and community growth
- Exclusive business referrals from Chamber staff
- Investor pricing at Greeley Area Chamber events
- Entry to weekly and monthly networking groups and events
- Option for a Ribbon Cutting
- Greeley Chamber social media welcome
- Exclusive access to promotional opportunities (press releases, discounts, job openings, events and more)
- Listing on digital business directory (Link to your company’s website from the Chamber’s online directory)
beginning levels of investment
Qualifications: For companies with up to 5 employees
Qualifications: Up to 3 locations, 6-49 employees or 2-9 licensed professionals
Includes all benefits in the Core level, plus
+ Exclusive marketing opportunities with local media partners
+ Additional category listing in digital business directory
Qualifications: Up to 4 locations, 50+ employees or 10+ licensed professionals
Includes all benefits in the Choice level, plus:
+ Recognition as corporate level on online “partners” webpage
+ Printed mailing labels to all investors (limit two/yr)
+ Two additional (3 total) category listing in digital business directory
+ Option for additional online presence through featured blog posts
chairman’s circle
Becoming a Chairman’s Circle investor offers our members the opportunity to expand their investment at a level that best suits their business and opens the door to additional benefits, opportunities and brand recognition.
*This level requires a meeting to discuss the customization of your investment. To learn more or schedule your meeting contact us at or call (970) 352-3566*

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